Saturday 21 March 2020


Hello Everybody.

The activity I have chosen is the one created by our classmate Rocío using the Pixton tool. 

I liked this activity for its learning objectives and because it is a motivating activity to do with my students. I’d like to do it with my students in 3º ESO making the most of their confinement at home these days. As all of them are connected through Edmodo, I will ask them to use that platform to choose a partner to work with. They will have to start a chat conversation in Edmodo to write the dialogue for their comics and the topic should be related to what they are doing these days they cannot go out. I think it is a good way  for them to be in touch, to get familiar with the tool to create comics, to develop their digital competence and to encourage their imagination. They have to be as much creative and funny as possible. When all the comics are done, they will have to send them to me and I will upload them to my blog so that everybody can enjoy them.

1 comment:

  1. Hello, Alicia. In these weird days we are living, I hope you are safe at home. I really enjoyed surfing through your blog. I like the design and the activities you created. I especially loved the Rosa Parks one, I will be using it in the future for sure. Keep up the good work and wish you the best.
