Monday 16 March 2020

Bullying with Edpuzzle

Bullying is an issue we frequently have to deal with at school. The first time I watched this video, I felt that I had to use it some way in my lessons because I thought my students could learn a lot from the experience of these two boys (Bars & Melody) and how Music can help us to overcome problems and difficult situations in our daily lives.

  • To raise students awareness of bullying and how it can affect its victims.
  • To improve students' listening and speaking skills.
  • To make students aware of the different ways people can be bullied ( calling people names, teasing them, spreading rumours behind their backs...)
  • Discuss what to do in bullying situations.
  • To find ways to stop bullying.

Pre-Listening Activity or Warm-Up:
  • Ask students how they define bullying.
  • Ask students to give examples of what they think bullying is.
  • Ask students what cyberbullying is.
  • Ask students if they have ever been bullied or if they know someone who has been bullied.
  • Teach students vocabulary such as: bullied, bullying, bystander, victim...
  • Talk about feelings.
Listening Activity: 

 This can be done in class or if we want to flip the classroom, we can tell our students to watch the video at home and answer the open-ended and multiple choice questions prepared for the activity. As a flipped classroom activity, this could be motivating for our students as it would be something different to what we usually do in class.
One advantage of Edpuzzle is that it can help us to prepare motivating listening and speaking activities adapting whatever authentic real videos we like to the level and necessities of our students.

Post-Listening Activities:
  • Share students answers in class.
  • In small groups students discuss what to do in bullying situations.
  • In small groups students discuss and try to find different ways to stop bullying.
  • We share in a big group all the ideas.
  • We listen to the song ‘Hopeful’ by Bars & Melody and do some comprehension and fill in the gaps activities.


  1. Hi, Alicia!
    I’ve discovered your blog and after reading your posts, I just wanted to share some impressions with you. As for the contents and reflections published, they’re fantastic, thank you for sharing your insights on the use of interesting apps and tools in the English language classroom, I found them quite helpful and practical. I especially liked your post “Bullying with Edpuzzle”: I’d never heard about Bars and Melody before, and it’s definitely important to raise consciousness of the importance of social issues such as bullying, in our current society. On the other hand, if I had to point out something which could be somehow improved… I’d mention perhaps the disposition of your posts. I mean, aesthetically speaking, perhaps it’d look nicer if the cascade disposition of the posts was placed somewhere else, instead of having them right at the top of the page. It’s just a humble suggestion. Thanks for your great work!!!

  2. Hello Alicia!
    I think you’ve done a great job! I see you’ve been able to carry out almost all the activities with your students at class. Lucky you! I’ve really liked your Edpuzzle task, since you’ve been able to create a task where your students work on a relevant cross-curricular topic (bullying at schools) while they listen to music watching a well-know TV show (Britain’s Got Talent- thus you’ve also connected with popular culture and bring authentic material to the classroom). It’s a great task to carry out with any ESO group! Congratulations!
    I’ve also liked your idea of giving idioms a context by creating Pixton comic strip! What a pity you couldn’t finish the project!
